The Judge Rottenburg center is a cult.

The Judge Rottenburg center is a cult.

The Judge Rottenberg center is a place in Mass. where Clients” are regularly tortured, schocked, starved n an unbearable setting. Parents, often unaware of their loved one’s condition, are not permitted to visit. Judges are not informed as to the reality that they are subjecting people to. Very often victims are shocked for so much as tensing up in anticipation of being chocked. Six people have died at the center. “clients” sometimes languish there for years. Here is a quote from a girl who survived that house of horrors. “Somehow it’s ok to hurt those who are a little more different. Somehow it’s ok to hurt those who are a little less normal
Hurt them in the name of treatment,
because their cries don’t count the same
And if one can’t speak to express it, they must not hurt, so they say”

Their college papers,
license to decide my fate
“Their eyes as they watched me tense with the jolt, cold and still, studying my pain
notes on a paper, just another day
We have plans for you, and there’s no way out

Welcome to the cult of pain.” Quoted from the link.



What’s the 4th of July like for people with Autism?

What’s the 4th of July like for people with Autism?

Celebrating America’s birthday can be fun. Including those on the Autism spectrum. But imagine if everywhere you turned, people were making noises as loud as a bomb? It hurt your ears and felt like a physical assault!  It was NOT fun for you! Your anxiety level felt as if a big truck was speeding towards you. You couldn’t run. Get out of the way. Similar to being in a minefield. If you tried to tell others what it felt like, they said you were silly, imagining things, crazy, or that it wasn’t “that loud.” Having your routine disrupted added to the anxiety. And also there was loud music, people shouting, dogs barking,. You might not be able to tell when the next loud noise was going to come from. Or when. How close or far away.  And you were ridiculed made fun of and prevented from covering your ears to protect yourself. If you said-that is if you could speak at all-those around you didn’t believe you. If all this sensory overload led to a meltdown, you were laughed at, punished, and maybe kept from doing the only things that filtered out the assault.  Perhaps accused of ruining everybody else’s “fun.” Then came fireworks displays that are as loud as a jet plane. While the blow to your system continues without let up. That is what Independence day can be like for somebody with Autism. While some of the festivities may prove to be enjoyable, please be considerate. Especially around sensory sensitive children. Adults can walk away from the noise. Children-often taken to a park or other location-can’t.

Autism Safety for First Responders & Parents

Autism Safety for First Responders & Parents

A segment from the film “Making Our Way: Autism” about the importance of autism safety. Autism training and resources for law enforcement, parents, first responders and teachers.

What It’s Like to Have Anorexia and Autism

What It’s Like to Have Anorexia and Autism

Even though Sharon DaVanport was so underweight at 17 that she was diagnosed with anorexia, the label never made sense to her. She wasn’t obsessed with staying skinny or dieting — rather, she found that many types of food caused nausea or other forms of sensory discomfort. But when she tried to explain this to her doctor, she was told she was “in denial” about her real problems. Only years later, when she received another diagnosis, did she begin to make sense of her experience. DaVanport, now 50, a mother of four, and president of the Autism Women’s Network, has the type of autism known as Asperger Syndrome. Quoted from the link.

Halloween’s Ableism Problem: The Commercialization of Disability Oppression and Mental Health Stigma

Halloween’s Ableism Problem: The Commercialization of Disability Oppression and Mental Health Stigma

… the message that certain groups of disabled people inherently lack empathy underscores the deeply troubling trend of dehumanizing those people. Whether it’s the Autistic like me or those with mental health and psychiatric disabilities, the stigma we face is staggering. Unlike those believed to be non-disabled, we are forced to prove our humanity, to prove our worthiness to be included as having equal value and worth as everyone else. Because we are other, it is possible for the mainstay of society to make light of our marginalization. And, as you may well know or have suspected yourself, the commercial exploitation of disability enfreakment is a lucrative business. Quoted from the link.